GOOD THING WITH KATY PERRY!The premiere for this June 9th of Witness, the fifth studio album by the Californian singer Katy Perry of which we have already known her single "Chained to the Rhytm", but today, I will speak of the video of her other single of this album, that is the song: "Bon Appétit".
But before this, let's make a remembrance of Perry's career, which rose to fame in 2008, with the song "I kissed a Girl", a somewhat daring and playful song, which speaks of the erotic experimentation of a girl kissing Another girl, that's why most of her followers belong to the lgtb community, she shows her support to this community, from her beginnings she introduced herself as an open-minded person who is against discrimination like her contemporary Lady Gaga, Which has a more transgressive style, more extravagant, more militant than Katy Perry for the same cause. Then came her second hit, "Hot n Cold," which was already predicting it would gain its place in the pop world. Each song, is a story, is a world, is a dream, has an aesthetic that ends up catching you.
In Bon Appétit, enjoy being caught by the story of this song that uses the theme of culinary art, I liked that the end surprised me, even though I do not use the pastel colors that fascinate me so much, this video made me remember "Hambre" sonf of the Chilean musician, Gepe, where also it uses the subject of the food to tell us a history, where also appears the girl that became viral by Youtube, Wendy Sulca. In the case of Perry, she was accompanied by Migo, an American hip hop group, which I do not share that has included them, but it worked for the song.
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